Thank you to Tanya for taking
over my picture duties while I am currently busy.
Update from Carol: The puppies are 5 1/2 weeks old and doing great! They come out of the box to play and boy do they play. Lots of play fighting going on and playing with stuffed toys and anything else that makes noise. The bulldog, Gypsy, is now sneaking in the room to check out the puppies and their responses are so funny. Rosalie and Liam think Gypsy is so neato mosquito and jump up to visit with her while Jackson and Esme go to the corner of the box and look at her like she's the "devil dog". (And they're not all that wrong!) I have "love fests" several times a day where I just sit in the box and play with the puppies until they pass out and fall asleep all over my legs. Liam is quite the manipulater because he loves all the attention. After I hug him, he stands up on my chest and cries until I hold him some more! And of course, I do it which only reinforces this! LOL Jackson is pretty good at self pleasing and can occupy his time playing with toys or beating up on somebody. Esme, my girl, is quite the lovebug and loves to give full body hugs while kissing your face. Rosalie is happiest actiing tough and posturing all around the box and doesn't take any garbage from anyone else. Alice is the quiet one of the bunch who is happiest avoiding confrontation and playing quietly by herself. Renesmee is all of the above!! She plays tough, stands up to the biggest of her littermates with gusto, gives great hugs and kisses and is obviously spoiled rotten and thinks she's the best. Tanya and Eric came today and played with the puppies and had a ball. They laughed when they saw the puppies race through the tunnel at full speed with toys in their mouths. They go so fast you can't capture it with a picture. They love to chew on toes and hands right now and pull on your pants. Tanya and Eric took turns with the "love fests" themselves and enjoyed how the puppies climb all over you and play and then pass out on your legs. Eric's turn turned into all the puppies passing out between his legs and then he passed out too sitting up! It was great! They are just getting so active and thanks to all the stimulation "stuff" provided by grandma Giselle, they are practically fearless! I can toss just about anything in the box and they immediately check it out and play with it, ie... plastic lids, bubble wrap, tin pans, ropes, rags, plastic bags, etc.... Sasha is still nursing the puppies at least 6-8 times a day although she does it standing up now and that means that the puppies only get two gruel meals a day and one 1/2 milk 1/2 water a day and they are quite chunky! Guide to the Puppies:
Light Blue: Carlisle/Jackson * Green: Jacob/Liam * Yellow: Alice Red: Bella* Orange: Renesmee/Nessie * White: Esme Pink: Rosalie
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Pflugerville, TX (Near Austin, TX)
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