Nothing like the healing power of
seeing pups. Lots of pictures today - costumes, new tunnels,
rocking horses, sleigh bells, and lots lots more. I think the pups are
probably exhausted after being outside on a beautiful day.
The pups have really come into their own. All super friendly and outgoing with Liam and Renesmee probably being the most independent. Everyone is doing so well. They went to dried kibble for the first time today and they are doing good. Sasha is STILL nursing! Not much to say other than that I think everyone will be very happy with their puppies so far :-) Carol and Sasha have done a great job with them! Guide to the Puppies:
Light Blue: Carlisle/Jackson * Green: Jacob/Liam * Yellow: Alice Red: Bella* Orange: Renesmee/Nessie * White: Esme Pink: Rosalie
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Pflugerville, TX (Near Austin, TX)
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