Chapter IX: The
(Day 43 - Day 49)
February 25, 2007
(Day Forty Four)
Today was just a continuation of what we've been doing the
past few days -- clicker training, house training, letting them play in
the playground a few times a day. Nothing exciting going on other
than we've been playing the sound socialization tapes at a pretty high
volume now and they don't seem to notice it's playing. One track of the
Puppy Socialization CD has gunshots. Jamal didn't think it was smart
to desensitize the dogs against that :-) He skips the track but the pups
have heard it so many times now that I think it's too late!
Weights today:
Sparkle -15lbs 5.5oz Coda -16lbs 5.5oz Halley - 15lbs 10oz