July 20, 2008
(Day Eight)
Things are going a bit better although now starts the next stage of worry -- they hit that stage that Coda and gang hit about this time last time where they just won't poop! Argh. If it's not one thing.... They aren't complaining, very active nursers, and sleep soundly but I'm obsessing big time about their pooping schedule.
Chorus still only likes her one nipple. Canon is content with having the rest all to himself. He's such a piggy though and will eat himself until he explodes so we have to watch his tummy carefully to see when he's full. We've been holding Chorus up to the really strong nipples and letting her have at them but if you don't do that, she really has no interest and eventually finds her favorite again. She really knows what she wants. This seems to be working out well as Chorus and Canon are steadily gaining over 3oz a day now.
Sade comes back tonight. Hurray!