September 1,2008
(Day Fifty One)
Chloe got to visit her new home today as well as meet her new brother Quinn. Canon was extremely comfortable in the new surroundings and was intrigued by Quinn, although Quinn wasn't quite sure what to do with him. Canon is a very bold little boy and doesn't understand when other dogs don't want to play with him (he gets this from his mother). We were all joking that Quinn is probably very happy that Chloe is the one coming home with them next week. Chloe, at least, understands when he wants her to stop gnawing on him.
Chloe was a little more reserved but still, very eager to check everything out. We were all surprised because as soon as I dipped her feet in the pool, she started paddling. Jamal said to let her go and see what happens and she just swam. Her new mom Teresa followed her around but more or less, she was swimming on her own and was a natural. Canon knew how to swim as well but was a little clunkier than his sister. I think Chloe is going to LOVE having a pool. I can already tell she inherited Grandma Spice's swimming gene!
They had a good time and I am sure will be sleeping for a few hours. Gives Jamal and I time to do some much needed laundry and cleaning.
Tons of pictures today! I couldn't keep it to less than 30. LOL!