July 13, 2008
(Day One)
This first day has a been a different experience from Cider's first litter. Cider's milk hasn't come in yet and the pups are losing quite a bit of weight. Last night, the pups were getting frustrated because they would nurse and nurse and get nothing. I was getting frustarted because they didn't want to nurse on the bigger nipples which had more milk and the ones that they did like were drying up.
I ended up calling the only other local mastiff breeder I know, Wende, who ended up coming over at midnight last night with her mom. She had some good ideas -- showing me ways to keep them warmer and how to position the towels so that they have easier access to some of the nipples. They stopped whining now and were suckling pretty well. They are nursing for LONG periods of time -- almost two hours but I'm not sure how much they are getting. Cid's milk looked good yesterday afternoon but by the evening, it was hard to express.
I put a call early this morning to my vet, Dr. Nairn and she gave me some ideas on how to bring Cider's milk in and also, told me that I could start supplementing the pups with pedialyte, which I have. We're trying all the ways to bring the milk in --> mother's pudding, beer, fenugreek, lots of goats milk, chicken broth in her water, warm compresses, hand expressing milk -- whatever anyone suggets, we are trying! It's a little better this evening but still not flowing.The puppies are active, they are pooping and peeing normally but there really isn't much in terms of what they are getting from Cid. Dr. Nairn doesn't want us to give formula for at least 48 hours. We are giving a drop of dextrose hourly and supplementing with the pedialyte every couple of feedings. Dr. Nairn isn't worried and said it's normal for them to lose weight the first day but I am worried! It is true that every breeding is different. I didn't have to supplement at all last time and Cid's milk was adequate all throughout. Thank goodness Dr. Nairn is so patient. We must have talked 4-5 times today and she has been very reassuring. But, those who know me realize I'm a worrywart!
Oh, on the way to get more food for Cider, i got a flat tire on my van. Hopefully, tomorrow goes better.
ps -- if anyone has any suggestions for names..we are very open to them :-)