(UPDATED 6/30/2008)
And so begins the sequel :-) Cider, who has a knack of never making it easy, went into season while I was at the 2008 Nationals at Crystal Lake. We took her to the vet the day after we got home for her first progesterone and it was at 5.3 (meaning she ovulated that day). Thankfully, the stud owner was VERY accomondating. She hadn't quite reached home yet but we made the quick arrangements to get Odin collected and shipped for a vaginal AI.
The day of the insemination, we got hit by a hail storm with straight line winds of 80 mph. We lost electricity, phone, cable, and 3 sides of our privacy fence, and our central a/c. But, things are finally back to normal and now begins the wait for the puppies arrival.
Below are some pictures of Cider's progression since the implant.
Keeping fingers croseed :-)

Cider on Day 49