Chapter VII: The
Fifth Week
(Day 29 - Day 35)
February 13, 2007
(Day Thirty Two)
Aunt Bridgette was very busy stretching her creative
socialization muscles today. She made the puppies tunnels using an
old box and she said Coda and Sparkle loved it. Drizzle wasn't sure
about it at first but when she pointed out the entrance to it, she walked
right through. She and Sparkle liked to play inside it while Coda just
liked to walk through it over and over.
Today the piggies switch from 5 to 4 meals a day.
We'll see tonight if they keep me up with their hunger squeals :-) We
also started the puppy socialization cd's today. It has tracks of
different sounds like babies crying, kitchen sounds, thunder, dogs
barking, sirens, etc etc. It's very cool and I think it will be very good
for the pups. So far, we're keeping it at a very low volume and
the pups don't seem to mind it. We also fed them in a different
container today -- plastic. We are trying to expose them (ala Rule
of 7) different food containers. So far, they've been fed in metal bowls,
3 types of ceramic plates, a cookie sheet, a pie pan, a dinner bowl, the
big puppy saucer, and tupperware (oh, and i don't know if it counts
but they eat stuff they drop off the towels :-) Auntie B also let them
wear their collars that Grandma Karen bought for them today. She
said they scratched like they had fleas. We will be putting them on
for a few minutes every day so that they get used to it.
Aunt B is doing a great job with the babies and I am very
thankful she's here to help out. She also takes GREAT pictures .....
Weights today:
Sparkle -11lbs 1.5oz Coda - 11lbs 2.5oz Drizzle - 11lbs