Chapter VI: The
Fourth Week
(Day 22 - Day 28)
February 6, 2007
(Day Twenty Five)
Yesterday was not the best day we had. Cider's mastitis
reared its ugly head and we had to take her to the vet early Monday morning.
In the matter of a few hours, her nipples swelled, turned shiny pink, and was
very sensitive to the touch. We took her to the vet and they said there
was no fluid pocket but it was inflammed tissue. It looked horrible.
Amazingly though, after less than 24 hours of warm compresses, warm water
massages, and new antibiotics, the nipples are more or less back to normal.
We are very lucky we started the weaning process a few days ago. Cid is fine now
and so are the pups. Auntie Mandie visted yesterday and Cider gave
her signature leaps in the air. Grandma Karen arrived yesterday as well
and that was very exciting for Cider (and me!)....
We did the 3 week fecal exam yesterday and the results came back
negative for parasites and giardia so that was good news. They are doing very
well and eating like little piglets. Grandma Paula suggested veal baby food in
the gruel and that jump started their appetites since they were a bit hesitant
on the gruel at first..It worked...they are eating over 1/2 cup of gruel at
every meal now.
They all found their voices and love to play. Coda is the most
while Sparkle is the least vocal. Drizzle is more and more like her mom
every day...
Weights today:
Sparkle - 7lbs 12oz Coda - 8lbs 2oz Drizzle - 7lbs 14oz