Chapter VI: The
Fourth Week
(Day 22 - Day 28)
February 3, 2007
(Day Twenty Two)
I tried to see if I could start weaning them over today. I
thought that one "lapped" meal a day would be a good start, to get the weaning
process going and it didn't go as well as I imagined in my head. They lick
the gruel off my finger but then continued to cry for their momma. So I
gave in and let Cid take over. My "gruel" might have been too thick...or
they might not be ready. I'm going to have to spend the next couple of
days getting them used to the homemade milk formula (either letting them lick it
off my fingers or spoon) since they seem to not like the taste of it and dislike
the taste of GME even more. I wonder if they are just waiting for Auntie
Bridgette to bring a video camera to catch their first meal or waiting for
Grandma Karen to be here for this milestone.
Weights today:
Sparkle - 6lbs 14oz Coda - 7lbs 2oz Drizzle - 7lbs 2oz